Wednesday, September 29, 2021

He Watches Over Me

 I have a faithful guardian and

I thank God every day,

That as I travel this rocky road,

He’s there all the way.

He watches over me.

In my youth I never knew

The things He did for me.

But now, in retrospect,

It’s plain enough to see –

He watches over me.

Twice was saved from death’s dark door

Given life anew –

I thought I was just “lucky” –

I never really knew

‘Twas Him, watching over me.

Many years it took to sharpen insight,

Many more to understand –

Many things just seem to happen –

Now I know He has a plan.

He watches over me.

I’ll take these feelings as they come,

And do my very best

To do His work right here and now,

My Lord will do the rest –

He watches over me.

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