Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Epic Of Age

This is the story of growing old –

What to expect, or so I’ve been told.

Sitting on the sofa, twiddling your thumbs,

Looking around for your roll of Tums.

Rocking back and forth in an old rocking chair,

Trying to stay out of other folk’s hair.

It seems as though your body is one big pain –

But, mind you, it’ll do no good to complain.

Sitting in the corner, wondering why

All of a sudden, life is passing you by.

Alone and blue, waiting for night to fall,

Wondering if anyone will care at all.

This is what they tell me the story will be –

Not a pretty picture for the elderly.

That’s why I’ve decided, while I’m still young,

I’m going out and have some fun.

Kick up my heels, before it’s too late,

It doesn’t matter if I have no mate.

For life is just what you make of it,

A bright, shiny bowl, or a gloomy little bit.

There’s plenty of beauty to be found,

If you pick your eyes up off the ground.

There are flowers and gardens, and even a tree,

All heaven-kissed for you to see.

Mountains and lakes, and oh, so much more,

All around us, there are blessings galore.

There’s music, and books and a good cup to tea,

To share with someone more needy than me.

So I’ll go right on, ‘til the very end,

And thank the Lord for being my friend.

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