Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Some Folks

 Remind you of someone?

There are some folks who know it all,

But I just can’t understand,

If they are so all-fired smart,

Why is their life less than grand?

Some folks are like a chatterbox,

With a mouthful of empty words,

It doesn’t matter what they say

So long as they are being heard.

Some folks can tell you how to raise

Your kids, nutrition, character and such,

But they’ve never been parents,

So how can they know so much?

Some folks are experts in money matters,

Can account for every cent,

But all they ever seem to do

Is somehow pay the rent.

Now I’m just an old grey-haired granny,

Trying to get along,

I’m not too smart, and not too rich,

And like to stay where I belong.

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